Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Shoes for Connie

New Shoes for Connie, originally uploaded by rldannand.

New Michelin Road Pilot 3's for the bike! Here's the front tire close-up. They are excellent! The bike turns really fast! A much more confident feel - though I am re-learning Connie's manners.. The tread pattern goes the opposite direction than I would have thought! If I were putting these tires on myself - I would have put them on backwards. :-P

New Shoes for Connie

New Shoes for Connie, originally uploaded by rldannand.

New Michelin Road Pilot 3 for the front.

New Shoes for Connie

New Shoes for Connie, originally uploaded by rldannand.

New Michelin Road Pilot 3 rear tire. I'm happy with it so far. The bike really turns FAST now...

New Shoes for Connie

New Shoes for Connie, originally uploaded by rldannand.

Brand new Michelin Road Pilot 3's for the bike.