Saturday, August 28, 2010

Burned up Stator

Burned up Stator, originally uploaded by rldannand.

The coils at the 2 O'clock position and the 10 O'clock position have a little bit of build-up but the Mechanic said the ground was happening on the inside. It charged when he first got it. He rode it a while to warm it up and it would only charge slightly.

Burned up Stator

Burned up Stator, originally uploaded by rldannand.

This is the bad stator from my VStrom (DL1000K5).
It goes inside the engine case right above it (round part).
The headlights would suddenly dim.. then return.
I had to take it to the shop when the battery died and the new one wouldn't charge. The new battery would even discharge in 3 hours when the ignition OFF-key out.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow, originally uploaded by rldannand.

Out my front door, towards a recently passed storm...

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow, originally uploaded by rldannand.

Some things catch my eye ... a double rainbow out my front door is one of them...